This is my third attempt, on a third different domain, at establishing a personal website. I think the reason I usually abandon websites is that I get too bogged down in the technical details, most of it stemming from trying to be as “IndieWeb” as possible. This time, I’m hoping, will be different. Instead of trying to make my website everything to everyone (or rather every format to every reader), I’m going to try and simplify my site as much as possible.

While there’s something to be said for microformats and post types and webmentions and POSSE and the seemingly countless other things an IndieWeb site might have or do, I can’t say I feel like I’ll be missing out on much if I only focus on maintaining an RSS feed and hyperlinking to things the “old fashioned” way sans notification system (though I figure I’ll federate this site considering how easily the ActivityPub plugin makes it, even if interacting on the fediverse isn’t a goal).